Sun protection
Should you apply sunscreen to a newborn?
10 March 2023

Ja, een pasgeboren baby kun je insmeren met zonnebrand. Maar baby’s onder de 12 maanden wil je liever uit direct zonlicht houden. Hoe zit het nu eigenlijk met pasgeboren baby's en de zon? We vertellen je meer.
Yes, you can apply sunscreen to a newborn baby. But babies under 12 months are best kept out of direct sunlight. So chill out in the shade! However: this does not mean that your baby cannot get sunburned. Even in the shade there is UVA and UVB radiation. So it's important to protect your newborn baby's skin as much as possible with sun block, but also consider UV-resistant clothing and a hat or cap.
How do I choose a sun block for my baby?
Sun's out! Time to put on some sun cream, but how do you choose the right one for yourself or your child? Do you know the difference between chemical and natural UV filters? We'll break it down for you:
What are chemical UV filters?
You can distinguish between chemical and mineral filters, or chemical sunscreen and natural sunscreen. Chemical filters penetrate your skin. There, the UV rays are absorbed and the resulting skin reaction provides sun protection. The disadvantage of chemical filters is that the skin reaction can actually become an allergic reaction with kids and adults with sensitive skin. Red rashes can be the result. Chemical filters can be recognised by the following ingredients: oxybenzone, octyl methoxycinnamate, octocrylene and avobenzone.
Mineral UV filters
A mineral UV filter acts like a mirror on the skin. The sunscreen in this case consists of minerals, often zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide. This is also often used in diaper cream to provide a cooling layer on red bums. As soon as you apply it, you are protected: no skin reaction, no risk of an allergic reaction, no penetration time. That is why natural UV filters are often used for the sensitive skin of children.
How do I use a natural sunscreen?
Most mineral UV filters turn white on the skin. Very cute, a little ghost baby - but not always what you're going for. That's why we have developed a formula for Naïf's natural sunscreen with natural oils such as coconut oil, olive oil and sunflower oil, so that the cream spreads well. By the way, you don't have to apply it too thickly; if the sunscreen starts to get flakey on the skin, use a little less next time.
We often get the question whether Naïf sunscreen is suitable for newborn babies. Sure! However, bear in mind that the sunscreen stays on the skin a bit longer and it is more difficult to properly rub it in. Flakey sunscreen is also more common, as a baby's skin is oilier than an adult's skin. Since you don't want to rub a baby's skin too hard, we advise you to wait a little longer and not put your baby in the sun for the first few weeks.
Which SPF/factor do you choose for a baby?
Because a baby's skin is not used to anything yet and no pigment has been built up, it is best to protect it as well as possible. As no sunscreen can offer 100% protection, choose the highest factor: SPF 50. This protects against UV raditation for at least 98%. The factor determines how long your child can stay in the sun without burning, but this is different per person. Light skin types burn sooner than dark skin types. At a later age it's often possible to reduce the factor.
How much sun block should you put on?
The Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) recommends a total of 7 teaspoons of sunscreen per application, for both children and adults:
1 for the face and neck
2 for the arms and shoulders
2 for the chest, abdomen and back
2 for the legs and feet
Repeat every 2 hours. If you want to be safe in the sun, also stay in the shade whenever possible. And definitely stay out of the sun between noon and 3pm.
And that's how to best to protect your newborn's skin with sunscreen!